Ignorant professionals, coding web sites by hand, tools to make the ignorant look smart, and snide remarks
I spent today coding an update to client’s website. It was beat your brains out work. I did not build this site, so I had to learn, understand, figure out how to do, and then do it. It was not fun. It was not easy.
I was reminded of a local web professional who I approached about doing their overflow work.
With a snide tone, I was asked, “Do you use tools [meaning WordPress, Google, GoDaddy, other Integrated Development Environments (IDEs)] or code by hand.” The snide tone was on the words, “code by hand.”
I said, sure I code by hand, but if you have a tool you want me to use I can use it. You see I know HTML cold. Same for CSS. Graphics? You bet I can do simple editing. I can use FTP (File Transfer Protocol) to move my work to a server.
I did not get the job. You may wonder why, but I don’t.
Expertise, capability, and vast expertise are threatening to many of those who don’t have those skills.
What I did today for my client is proof positive that relying on a tool, be it a Google website, a WordPress website, or any other provider who gives you an environment that does the heavy lifting does not help you when the going gets tough. When you absolutely have to edit the code in front of you automated tools fail. They fail flat. Guess what. I did not fail because I can ‘code by hand.’
I completely agree - I am very much like you
Posted by: EnKernow | March 14, 2016 at 02:06 PM
EnKernow, a heartfelt thank you. It's good to know that those with true technical expertise are out there. While easy to use tools make much available to the general public, they find themselves in a bind when they want an upgrade that goes beyond what their 'tool' allows. While I love the web, I must say that editing sites created by machine is no fun. And not something we intend to do any more of. Thank you for your comments.
Posted by: Wayne English | March 14, 2016 at 02:18 PM